26 February 2021

The submission deadline for the Intergraf Young Talent Award 2021 has been extended from 15 February to 31 May. We have already received entries from 4 countries and look forward to reviewing more during the next months.

Candidates for this year's Young Talent Award must submit a paper answering two questions in 2-5 pages:

  1. How will print develop in the future?
  2. What kind of working environment are you looking for? How could a printing company provide this?

Entries will be judged by a panel of experts, with the winner awarded €3,000.

Entrants must fulfil the criteria of being a young student, apprentice or worker in print (max. age 25) from one of Intergraf's member countries. Entries are to be sent to Beatrice Klose, Secretary General of Intergraf, by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or post (Intergraf. Avenue Louise 130A, 1050 Brussels, Belgium) before 31 May 2021. The mail should include your submission and a CV.

Good luck!

