13 September 2022

The European Parliament has voted for the inclusion of printed products in the scope of a new Regulation on deforestation-free products. This would close an important environmental loophole and help to restore competition.

Due to their exclusion from the EU Timber Regulation, printed paper products can currently freely be imported on the European market regardless of the origin of the paper. A new draft Regulation on deforestation-free products seeks to ban the import of such products.

Intergraf has been advocating for due diligence rules to apply to imported printed products for many years. We are happy to see that the European Parliament has heard our call and supports the extension of the scope of this new legislation to printed products.

The inclusion of printed products will not only close an environmental loophole but it will restore fair competition on the European market, at least in terms of environmental protection, between European printers and their international competitors.

The vote in the European Parliament is a key milestone but the text will be further discussed with the Commission and the Council in the coming months. We will need your support to secure that national ministries also support the inclusion of printed products.

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