27 May 2021

We warmly welcome Ulrich Stetter (DE) as the new President of Intergraf, following approval by the members at our 2021 General Assembly. Ulrich takes over from Cees Verweij (NL).
Ulrich Stetter, Board Member since 2018, is the new Intergraf President. Ulrich is Managing Director of printing companies within the Druckhaus Mainfranken group – the production part of the flyeralarm group, based in Würzburg, Germany.
We welcome Ulrich’s 30+ years of experience in the printing industry and look forward to furthering Intergraf’s agenda under his expert guidance.
Ulrich said that “One of the companies I am responsible for was founded in 1849. We cannot imagine what massive changes this company and its employees has gone through during this very long period: new technologies, huge crises, wars, and much more. The printing industry had a lot of disruptions in the past and we see one such disruption during these difficult days of the pandemic. But, as always, these situations enable changes for the sector. So I am sure that by standing together and being well informed, the printing sector can create a lot of new possibilities out of the current crisis.”
Ulrich replaces Cees Verweij as President. Cees has been a key member of the Intergraf team for 12 years. We offer our sincere thanks to Cees for his 4-year tenure as President, and a further 8 years as Board Member and Vice-President. The knowledge and dedication that Cees has given to Intergraf has greatly enhanced our work. Our activities have more impact than ever thanks to his strong leadership.
Cees commented that “The office of Intergraf plays a crucial role in promoting print and safeguarding the industry from harmful legislation and I thank the team for their excellent cooperation with the Board. I am leaving Intergraf convinced that print will remain essential.”
We are also very happy to announce a new Vice-President of Intergraf: Jesper Jungersen (DK). Jesper takes over this function from Ulrich Stetter (DE).
Moreover, the General Assembly approved the re-election of Ian Wilton (UK) and Giovanni Olivotto (IT) to the Board, as well as approving a new Board member: Katalin Orgován (HU). They join existing Board members: Dick Naafs (NL), Janina Bluma (LV), Kaarel Ausmes (EE), Ulrijk Wehtje (SE), and Wim Buyle from FTA Europe.
All existing Steering Committee members were re-approved by the General Assembly: Monica Scorzino (IT), Carmen Kulpe (DE), Katalin Peller (HU), Katre Savi (EE), Ravindra Parasnis (SE), Theresa Borba (PT), and Thomas Torp (DK).
Intergraf’s General Assembly took place virtually on 27 May 2021. As well as approving matters relating to the association’s finances and governance, participants heard updates about the work of Intergraf from the Secretariat. This included a broad overview from Secretary General Beatrice Klose, an EU advocacy update from Policy Adviser Laetitia Reynaud, and a communications and social affairs update from Communications & Policy Officer Alison Grace.
The next Intergraf General Assembly is scheduled to take place in-person in Stockholm, Sweden on Thursday 19 May 2022.
Download the full press release here.